2009年7月16日 星期四

Dear Yu Jhong Siou

Hello, This is Sam from Hostel Korea.

We are pleased to inform you that your reservation is confirmed as below.

Reservation #
8/19 in
8/26 out
7 nights
Room type
Single B ( ensuit bathroom )
Number of people

≠Reconfirm your reservation at least seven days before you leave for Korea as you reserved.
Otherwise the reservation could be cancelled and you may not be able to stay at Hostel Korea!!

If you want keep your reservation please fill out below form and email us .
Reconfirm form
Reservation #


Room type


Advanced (at check-in) payment (on your check-in day) is our policy.
Please keep that in mind.
Only cash is available. We're sorry that credit card is not available.
Here's check in & out time.
Check-in: from 1:00 PM till 9:00 PM
Check-out: by 10:00 AM

How to get Hostel Korea from Airport Bus

This is a notice for the people to use airport bus to come to Hostel Korea.
Get off the plane
go to 1st Floor 5B,12A airport bus stop
get on the 6002 bus ->
Get off the bus (Sinseoul dong station)
Walk straight until you can see the overpass on your left side
Cross over the overpass (On the overpass, Use the stairs located at the right side when you get down)
Turn left for the first side street that you can see after getting down and walk straight to the side street
You will see Ediya.
When you get Ediya, please ask our staff for the map.


There is a picture on it in order to show you how to get the main building of Hostel Korea. Follow the map, and then you will finally arrive at Hostel Korea. Ring the bell so that we can have a chance to welcome you. Please gently return the map to our staff after arriving. Thank you very much.
Please don't forget your reservation number

Thank you for choosing Hostel Korea

Best Regards
Hostel Korea

Hostel Korea
卅 +82-2-762-7406
URL: http://www.hostelkorea.com
E-mail: hostelkorea@hostelkorea.com
Address: 178-65, Sungin-Dong, Jongno-Gu, Seoul, Korea

2009年6月26日 星期五

2009年6月24日 星期三

2009年6月21日 星期日

Calm Down

I spent over 3 hours to made this illustration, that's my first time so careful on print.
I meet tihs girl at last summer, on CIRCUS Fever Bus, but we didn't had conversation, until all the member back to our life, we just know each other.
Have no other reason, she is my most familiar friend in Fever Bus, maybe cuz she's older than me, so I can tell her about my life and ask for suggestion that I usual don't want to tell ohter people.
I see unlimited forgiving on her.When I talk with her, she make me nervous calm down.

There are two ways can make me calm down and relax, one is talk with her, the other way is to create.

So this creation is for her.

Who is she?

Just guess.

2009年6月20日 星期六

T-Shirt Design

This is a sample T-shirt design, use to our summer class "Blaster Junior" , It just a sample, we are not sure whether to use.
I made this design just for fun, I even not give to our leader to see yet.

2009年6月18日 星期四


I want to quit smoke,but it is the only way that I miss my brother.
So i'm smoking my brother.
Today is T-Bug not %T Bear.
I hope you like it.

2009年6月14日 星期日

Blaster Junior

That’s my new poster work for our activity in summer vocation, it calls “Blaster Junior” we want to teach teen-age students about Break dance.

So we have been prepare for 3 month, every member has different job to do, and my job was to design a poster for propaganda, I really enjoy it.
We also had meeting with many chief of hometown, they was helped us friendly, let our activity could be succeed.

I love this hometown, so I want to make B-Boy culture grow up in this place, I hope the “Blaster Junior” will accomplished.

這是我的新海報設計作品~!作為我們暑假營隊「Blaster Junior」的活動宣傳用,我們想在內湖地區,讓更多的年輕人接觸到Break dance。



我愛這個地方,所以我想讓我喜歡的B-Boy文化能在這個地方傳承壯大,在這裡預祝我們的「Blaster Junior」活動成功!