2009年6月20日 星期六

T-Shirt Design

This is a sample T-shirt design, use to our summer class "Blaster Junior" , It just a sample, we are not sure whether to use.
I made this design just for fun, I even not give to our leader to see yet.

2009年6月18日 星期四


I want to quit smoke,but it is the only way that I miss my brother.
So i'm smoking my brother.
Today is T-Bug not %T Bear.
I hope you like it.

2009年6月14日 星期日

Blaster Junior

That’s my new poster work for our activity in summer vocation, it calls “Blaster Junior” we want to teach teen-age students about Break dance.

So we have been prepare for 3 month, every member has different job to do, and my job was to design a poster for propaganda, I really enjoy it.
We also had meeting with many chief of hometown, they was helped us friendly, let our activity could be succeed.

I love this hometown, so I want to make B-Boy culture grow up in this place, I hope the “Blaster Junior” will accomplished.

這是我的新海報設計作品~!作為我們暑假營隊「Blaster Junior」的活動宣傳用,我們想在內湖地區,讓更多的年輕人接觸到Break dance。



我愛這個地方,所以我想讓我喜歡的B-Boy文化能在這個地方傳承壯大,在這裡預祝我們的「Blaster Junior」活動成功!